Archive for April, 2012

April 30, 2012

Entry 193– Soundtrack Week, Part 1: "Otherworld" (and Site Update!)

by Christopher

Soundtrack Week, Part 1
Song: “Otherworld”
Artist: Nobuo Uematsu (Vocals by Bill Muir)
From: Final Fantasy X (Cutscene from the game) (Soundtrack Version)
Comments: It’s a crazy day today on the blog! First and foremost, welcome to Soundtrack Week! To open things up, a song from the game that sparked my love of an entire of genre of games, Final Fantasy X. FFX was my first Final Fantasy game, and years later, I remember watching this scene with my jaw hanging open and my heart pounding. There’s a popular misconception that the vocals in the song were performed by Rammstein– this is not true. The soundtrack to this game was done mostly by Nobuo Uematsu, who composed the scores for most of the games in this series. Both the song and the scene are excellent. Enjoy!
As for the site update, there’re a couple of changes. First, I made a few tweaks to some of the gadgets and such on the site. Secondly, I’m proud to announce we now have a Facebook “Like” button, which you should all go and click, so you can get updates and other fun stuff! And last but not least, I’m in the process of trying to get Amanda and Miriah added as authors, so you can more easily tell who wrote what. Come back tomorrow to see how it all looks!
April 27, 2012

Entry 192– "Call Me Maybe"

by sebastianberry

Song: “Call Me Maybe”
Artist: Carly Rae Jepsen

Comments: Amanda here! This song is everywhere. And by that I mean, EVERYWHERE. There isn’t one friend of mine that I haven’t heard singing the chorus at some point in the last two weeks. It’s all over the web, radio, and television, meaning you couldn’t avoid this song even if you tried. I’ve struggled with own my feelings about it, oscillating between sheer delight and complete hatred. But at the end of the day, I get it. Its classic bubblegum pop: breezy, up-tempo, and incredibly danceable. The song features one of the catchiest hooks I’ve heard in a while, making it the perfect earworm and a likely contender for song of the summer. You have to congratulate Carly Rae Jepsen on the commercial and critical success of the single. It’s well-deserved even if her lyrics are pretty terrible and overly simplistic. Honestly, though, who can’t relate to the song’s main sentiment, the excitement and anxiety of having a fancy new crush? It’s definitely crazy but I still find myself listening to and liking “Call Me Maybe.” The music video is also hilarious and kind of adorable. I suggest watching it at least once all the way through. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

April 26, 2012

Entry 191– "Big City Nights"

by Christopher

Song: “Big City Nights”
Artist: Scorpions
Comments: My running buddy was singing the chorus of this as we were running this morning, and I got it stuck in my head, despite not knowing any other words (or even tunes) in the song. I came perilously close to tagging this video as NSFW, but decided against it. There’s nothing explicit in it, but it’s probably a bad idea to let your boss see this if he/she is uptight about people showing skin and/or drinking. As to the song itself, it’s good 80’s music– a category about which I’m quite picky. I went and checked the song on Wikipedia… Apparently, Scorpions are both German, and heavy metal. To be honest, they don’t sound like either to me… I’m still labeling the song as ‘rock.’ The song is excellent, so check it out!

April 26, 2012

Entry 190– "F*%# You"

by Christopher

Song: “F*%# You”
Artist: Lily Allen

Comments: *NSFW.  Sorry for the delay of the post today.  Anyhow, this is a great song by Lily Allen and the music video is a bit strange but fantastic.  Amanda played this song recently and has been in all of our heads the last few days so it must be shared.  The up-beat tempo is quite catchy.  Enjoy!
April 24, 2012

Entry 189– "Payphone"

by Christopher

Song: “Payphone”
Artist: Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa
Comments: Heads up, the lyrics are mildly NSFW and are onscreen in the video. That being said, thanks to Miriah for telling me about this song. It’s quite excellent, and I never would have expected a pairing of Maroon 5 and Wiz Khalifa. It works well, though, and the song is definitely worth a listen. Enjoy!

Edit 5/15/12: Official video is out!

April 23, 2012

Entry 188– "Hi Friend!"

by Christopher

Song: “Hi Friend!”
Artist: deadmau5 feat. MC Flipside
Comments: If you didn’t see it, Miriah put up a post yesterday for a fairly new song. Today was going to be the start of another theme week, but I want a little more time to work on it, so instead, have some deadmau5. Vintage, amazing, wonderful deadmau5. Enjoy!