Posts tagged ‘Symphonic Metal Week II’

January 13, 2012

Entry 124: Symphonic Metal Week II– "Wanderer"

by Christopher

Symphonic Metal Week II, Part V
Song: “Wanderer”
Artist: Ensiferum
Comments: Rounding out the second Symphonic Metal Week, Ensiferum’s song “Wanderer.” I was originally going to use Kamelot’s “Memento Mori,” but as I predicted when I wrote Entry 52, I’m seriously regretting using it as filler. Most of the songs by this band don’t fall easily into the genre of symphonic metal, but I’d say this one is close enough to count. If pressed, I’d give it a genre of its own called Viking Metal. If pressed harder, I’d toss it into power metal. Most of their songs are also full of screamed vocals and grunts, but this song stands out as being calm, melodic, and beautiful. Bass drum and flute? Sign me up. Enjoy the song, and I hope you enjoyed the week!

January 12, 2012

Entry 123: Symphonic Metal Week II– "Unholy Warcry"

by Christopher

Symphonic Metal Week II, Part IV
Song: “Unholy Warcry”
Artist: Rhapsody of Fire
Comments: The first minute of this song is given over to spoken-word story telling, followed by three minutes of a beautiful blend of symphonic and power metal. The voice of the lead singer is distinct, bordering on unforgettable, and the lyrics themselves are closer to a Norse saga than a rock song; at least when they can be clearly understood. If you like this song, please, look up the band– this song is standard fare for Rhapsody. (A side note– they used to just be called ‘Rhapsody,’ before changing their name. Consequently, much of their music is still listed as being done by ‘Rhapsody.’)

January 11, 2012

Entry 122: Symphonic Metal Week II– "Frozen"

by sebastianberry

Symphonic Metal Week II, Part III
Song: “Frozen”
Artist: Delain (Acoustic Version)
Comments: Presenting one of our two new authors on the site, Amanda!
Hey, Amanda here! I’ll be posting here somewhat regularly from now on so I can help out and have some fun of my own 🙂 Anyway, Delain is a symphonic metal band from Finland that I like and listen to frequently. This particular song is one of their best and I can honestly say I’ve had it stuck in my head on more than one occasion. The music video is decent and features some impressive head banging. I myself cannot resist cute female lead singers who have sweet vocals and amazing hair. I will say that if you want to slow things down a bit, take a listen to the acoustic version which is also good. Enjoy!

January 10, 2012

Entry 121: Symphonic Metal Week II– "Senses Capture"

by Christopher

Symphonic Metal Week II, Part II
Song: “Senses Capture”
Artist: Leaves’ Eyes
Comments: I first heard this song long ago, when I was first getting into symphonic metal. I never really tracked down more stuff by this band, (something I really need to do,) but I never forgot this song. It feels lighter and more approachable than many songs of the genre, having something to do with the combination of soft vocals and melodic instrumentation. Honestly, the bass drum in the song sounds more ‘heavy metal’ than the guitars, to me. Enjoy the song!

January 9, 2012

Entry 120: Symphonic Metal Week II– "Storytime"

by Christopher

Symphonic Metal Week II, Part I
Song: “Storytime”
Artist: Nightwish
Comments: Here we go again! Welcome to the second Symphonic Metal Week, because one just wasn’t enough! To open the week, the first single of Nightwish’s new album “Imaginaerum,” “Storytime.” I have to admit, the video can be a tad creepy, but it’s still quite excellent, as is the song. It’s fast, and catchy enough to get stuck in my head for most of the day the first time I heard it. If all of “Imaginaerum” sounds like this, I might have to break my rule about buying albums while they’re still fresh (and expensive) and go buy it. Enjoy the song!
