Archive for ‘Uncategorized’

October 23, 2012

No Stuck In My Skull Today!

by Christopher

Sorry guys, but there is no SIMS post today. I’m taking the day off to celebrate the first year anniversary of me and my wonderful girlfriend. Tune in tomorrow for regular content!

October 16, 2012

AMANDA–“Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” as performed by the TheUnsungHeroine

by sebastianberry

Hey! This week my column more or less a has theme. Both today and Thursday I’ll be sharing what I consider to be excellent covers. A friend and I recently bonded over a violin cover of the 80’s hit “Come on Eileen” and it got us thinking about how silly and unfortunate it is to write off an entire genre or artist. A truly great cover can put a whole new spin on the original and even inspire an appreciation for it that wasn’t there to begin with. In an attempt to prove this point, I have chosen songs from two genres that tend to be very polarizing: dubstep and rap. I know many people who generalize negatively about these types of music and dismiss them accordingly. They may have valid criticisms or complaints but I still think it is unfair to judge any one artist or genre without having thoroughly explored what their music has to offer.Today’s song is a brilliant piano cover of Skrillex’s “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” that comes from a talented young artist on Youtube who goes by the username TheUnsungHeroine. This is one of many of the classical covers of modern songs on her page and I think it highlights the beautiful musical qualities of the original quite well. Check it out!

October 11, 2012

Stuck In My Skull 309– “Conquest”

by Christopher

Song: “Conquest” || Artist: The White Stripes || ||


Comments: Hello, everybody! I’ve been doing far too much electronic music lately, so I decided to switch it up with some White Stripes! I love The White Stripes– even if I can never remember if the ‘the’ is capitalized or not– and I was so sad when I got into them and discovered they had already broken up. Jack White’s vocals paired with the distinctive minimalist instrumentation he and Meg White use creates such a unique, wonderful sound. You will be a conquest of this song, just as I was.

October 5, 2012

Entry 305– “Rudie Fails”

by Christopher

Song: “Rudie Fails” || Artist: White Rabbits || ||


Comments: I certainly got a surprise while writing this. For the longest time, I thought this song was called “RudieFalls“… Oh well. Either way, the song is excellent. White Rabbits are one of those bands I always think ‘I should listen to more of them,’ and for some reason never do. That really is shameful, as they’re excellent. Their lyrics turn out to be deeper than most, and their sound is crisp and distinct and memorable. I love it. Happy Friday, and enjoy the weekend!


REMEMBER: As of Monday, we will be moving to! Update your bookmarks!

October 4, 2012

Entry 304– “Rest in Peace”

by sebastianberry

Song: “Rest in Peace” || Written by: Joss Whedon || Peformed by: James Marsters || ||

Comments: Hello all! Amanda here! I’m excited to share with you a song from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical episode, “Once More, with Feeling,” written by none other than Joss Whedon. The whole soundtrack is fantastic, and impressive considering it was his first attempt at song writing, according to Wikipedia. The song is a small taste of Whedon’s musical genius and Marsters, the actor portraying British vamp Spike in the series, gives a great performance, delivering both soft and hard vocals. If you’re a Whedon fan but haven’t checked out the show yet or just like what you hear, you should consider watching the entire episode. It’s decidedly one of my favorites. Enjoy!

October 3, 2012

Entry 303– “Musta Had a Good Time”

by Miriah

Song: “Musta Had a Good Time” || Artist: Parmalee || ||

Comments:  Hey all!  It’s Miriah with some new country!  I’m happy to present this song today.  Parmalee is a new band out in country music (since about 2010), but here is their first single.  I heard it on the radio yesterday and I had several pulsating thoughts about this song.  One, this doesn’t have a stereotypical country sound and the guitar sounds good.  Second, I would compare this to the country version of Katy Perry’s “Last Friday Night” and thirdly, this needs to be shared.  Even if you don’t love country music listening to this song might be worth a bit of your time, even if it is just for a couple laughs for the lyrics.  I can’t wait to hear more from this band, especially if they keep this sound.  Enjoy!